And then there was 2

As per usual, this next executable contains a slew of new features, and perhaps unavoidably new bugs. I had gotten terribly sick on New Year's Day, so I will be treading more carefully from here on.

Perhaps most interesting is the inclusion of better test enemy AI, which reacts to Rixin when hit, blocked, or blocks Rixin. Rixin also has a voice and facial animation. A challenging object to implement, iron bars, was accomplished just before the new year, and the crystal switch test object was finished just today.

A long-standing issue with this project was fixed. Rixin no longer floats some way off of a ledge, apparently able to stand on air. A new popper function was added to address this issue directly, making his control much closer to inspiration. Other bugs involving targeting have been fixed, mostly to do with pausing and unpausing.

Different map scenes may have different music tracks or different lighting, as can be seen in this test build. Do be sure to check it out!


Ventury 68 MB
Jan 09, 2024

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